The care and concern of ESS sponsors and volunteers have made a difference in the lives of many rural children.

Innovative Teaching Grant for Rural Teachers

The Innovative Teaching Grant for Rural Teachers project was piloted in Hunan Province in fall, 2018. The main purpose of this project was to provide teachers in rural schools with individualized small grants (up to ¥4000 per project) to initiate innovative teaching in and out of classrooms. To apply for the grant, applicants must outline their ideas in self-selected subject areas along with goals, budgets, operational procedures, and evaluation methods. These applications were reviewed by a panel of evaluators in the US.

This project was quickly popularized among rural school teachers. Despite of large volumes of applications, with limited funding ESS was only able to support 24 projects in 2018 and 34 projects in 2019. To meet the demand, ESS will seek additional funding sources and continue to expand this project in 2021.